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SaTScan™ Software for the spatial, temporal, and space-time scan statistics | ![]() |
SaTScan BibliographyClick on any of the links to go the specific section. Methodological PapersStatistical MethodologyGeneral Statistical Theory, Bernoulli and Poisson ModelsKulldorff M. A spatial scan statistic. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 1997; 26:1481-1496. [view] Spatial Scan Statistic, Bernoulli ModelKulldorff M, Nagarwalla N. Spatial disease clusters: Detection and Inference. Statistics in Medicine, 1995; 14:799-810. [view] Retrospective Space-Time Scan StatisticKulldorff M, Athas W, Feuer E, Miller B, Key C. Evaluating cluster alarms: A space-time scan statistic and brain cancer in Los Alamos. American Journal of Public Health, 1998; 88:1377-1380. [view] Prospective Space-Time Scan StatisticKulldorff M. Prospective time-periodic geographical disease surveillance using a scan statistic. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2001; A164:61-72. [view] Space-Time Permutation ModelKulldorff M, Heffernan R, Hartman J, Assunção RM, Mostashari F. A space-time permutation scan statistic for the early detection of disease outbreaks. PLoS Medicine, 2005; 2:216-224. [view] Multinomial ModelJung I, Kulldorff M, Richard OJ. A spatial scan statistic for multinomial data. Statistics in Medicine, 2010, epub. [view] Ordinal ModelJung I, Kulldorff M, Klassen A. A spatial scan statistic for ordinal data. Statistics in Medicine, 2007; 26:1594-1607 [view] Exponential ModelHuang L, Kulldorff M, Gregorio D. A spatial scan statistic for survival data. Biometrics, 2007, 63:109-118. [view] Normal ModelKulldorff M, Huang L, Konty K. A scan statistic for continuous data based on the normal probability model. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2009, 8:58. [view] Weighted Normal ModelHuang L, Huang L, Tiwari R, Zuo J, Kulldorff M, Feuer E. Weighted normal spatial scan statistic for heterogeneous population data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009, 104:886-898. [view] Spatial Variation in Temporal TrendsManuscript in preparation. Multivariate Scan StatisticKulldorff M, Mostashari F, Duczmal L, Yih K, Kleinman K, Platt R. Multivariate spatial scan statistics for disease surveillance. Statistics in Medicine, 2007, 26:1824-1833. [view] Elliptic Scanning WindowKulldorff M, Huang L, Pickle L, Duczmal L. An elliptic spatial scan statistic. Statistics in Medicine, 2006, 25:3929-3943. [view] Isotonic Spatial Scan StatisticKulldorff M. An isotonic spatial scan statistic for geographical disease surveillance. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health, 1999;48:94-101. [view] Oliveira's FFernando LP Oliveira, Gustavo de Souza, Andre LF Cançado, Gladston JP Moreira and Martin Kulldorff. Border Analysis for Spatial Clusters. manuscript in preparation 2017 Boscoe's Cluster Restriction by Risk levelBoscoe FP, McLaughlin C, Schymura MJ, Kielb CL. Visualization of the spatial scan statistic using nested circles. Healtrh and Place, 2003; 9:273-277. Monte Carlo Hypothesis TestingDwass M. Modified randomization tests for nonparametric hypotheses. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1957; 28:181-187. Besag J, Clifford J. Sequential Monte Carlo p-values. Biometrika, 1991; 78:301-330. Silva I, Assunção RM, Costa M. Power of the sequential Monte Carlo test. Sequential Analysis, 2009; 28:163-174. Gumbel P-ValuesAbrams A, Kleinman K, Kulldorff M. Gumbel based p-value approximations for spatial scan statistics. International Journal of Health Geographics 2010, 9:61.Manuscript, 2008. [view] Read S, Bath PA, Willett P, Maheswaran R. A study on the use of Gumbel approximation with the Bernoulli spatial scan statistic. Statistics in Medicine, 2013. Jung I, Park G. p-value approximations for spatial scan statistics using extreme value distributions. Statistics in Medicine, 34:504-514, 2015. Recurrence IntervalsKleinman K, Lazarus R, Platt R. A generalized linear mixed models approach for detecting incident clusters of disease in small areas, with an application to biological terrorism. American Journal of Epidemiology, 159:217-24, 2004. AdjustmentsAdjusting for CovariatesKulldorff M. A spatial scan statistic. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26:1481-1496, 1997. [ view] Kulldorff M, Feuer EJ, Miller BA, Freedman LS. Breast cancer clusters in Northeastern United States: A geographic analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 146:161-170, 1997. [view] Kleinman K, Abrams A, Kulldorff M, Platt R. A model-adjusted space-time scan statistic with an application to syndromic surveillance. Epidemiology and Infection, 2005, 133:409-419. Klassen A, Kulldorff M, Curriero F. Geographical clustering of prostate cancer grade and stage at diagnosis, before and after adjustment for risk factors. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2005, 4:1. [view] Huang L, Kulldorff M, Gregorio D. A spatial scan statistic for survival data. Biometrics, 2006, in press. [ view] Iterative Scan Statistics, Adjusting for More Likely ClustersZhang Z, Kulldorff M, Assunção R. Spatial scan statistics adjusted for multiple clusters. Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2010, 642379. Computational AspectsAlgorithmsKulldorff M. Spatial scan statistics: Models, calculations and applications. In Balakrishnan and Glaz (eds), Recent Advances on Scan Statistics and Applications. Boston, USA: Birkhäuser, 1999. [view] Random Number GeneratorLehmer DH. Mathematical methods in large-scale computing units. In Proceedings of the second symposium on large scale digital computing machinery. Cambridge, USA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1951. Park SK, Miller KW. Random number generators: Good ones are hard to find. Communications of the ACM, 31:1192-1201, 1988. MacrosAbrams AM, Kleinman KP. A SaTScan (TM) macro accessory for cartography (SMAC) package implemented with SAS (R) software. International Journal of Health Geographics, 6:6,2007. [view] Reporting, Visualization and MappingBoscoe FP, McLaughlin C, Schymura MJ, Kielb CL. Visualization of the spatial scan statistic using nested circles. Health and Place, 9:273-277, 2003. Chen J, Roth RE, Naito AT, Lengerich EJ, MacEachern AM. Geovisual analytics to enhance spatial scan statistic interpretation: ananalysis of US cervical cancer mortality. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7:57, 2008. [view] North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, SaTScan to Google Earth Conversion Tool. [view GIS Resources] Han J, Zhu L, Kulldorff M, Hostovich S, Tatalovich Z, Lewis D, Feuer E. Determining optimal cluster reporting sizes for spatial scan statistics. Manuscript, 2015, submitted. Methods Evaluations and ComparisonsKulldorff M, Tango T, Park P. Power comparisons for disease clustering tests. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 42:665-684, 2003. Song C, Kulldorff M. Power evaluation of disease clustering tests. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2:9, 2003. [view] Kulldorff M, Zhang Z, Hartman J, Heffernan R, Huang L, Mostashari F. Evaluating disease outbreak detection methods: Benchmark data and power calculations. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 53:144-151, 2004. [view] Nordin J, Goodman M, Kulldorff M, Ritzwoller D, Abrams A, Kleinman K, Levitt MJ, Donahue J, Platt R. Using modeled anthrax attacks on the Mall of America to assess sensitivity of syndromic surveillance. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11:1394-1398, 2005. [view] Ozdenerol E, Williams BL, Kang SY, Magsumbol MS. Comparison of spatial scan statistic and spatial filtering in estimating low birth weight clusters. International Journal of Health Geographics, 4:19, 2005. [view] Costa MA, Assunção RM. A fair comparison between the spatial scan and Besag-Newell disease clustering tests. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 12:301-319, 2005. Tango T, Takahashi K. A flexibly shaped spatial scan statistic for detecting clusters. International Journal of Health Geographics, 4:11, 2005. [view] Kulldorff M, Song C, Gregorio D, Samociuk H, DeChello L. Cancer map patterns: Are they random or not? American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30:S37-49, 2006. [view] Duczmal L, Kulldorff M, Huang L. Evaluation of spatial scan statistics for irregular shaped clusters. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 15:428-442, 2006. Aamodt G, Samuelsen SO, Skrondal A. A simulation study of three methods for detecting disease clusters. International Journal of Health Geographics, 5:15, 2006. [view] Jackson MC, Huang L, Luo J, Hachey M, Feuer E. Comparison of tests for spatial heterogeneity on data with global clustering patterns and outliers. International Journal of Health Geographics 2009;8:55. [view] Wheeler DC. A comparison of spatial clustering and cluster detection techniques for childhood leukemia incidence in Ohio, 1996-2003. 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Spatial modelling of contribution of individual level risk factors for mortality from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Arabian Peninsula. PloS one. 12:e0181215, 2017. [view] Greene SK, Peterson ER, Balan D, Jones L, Culp GM, Fine AD, Kulldorff M. Detecting COVID-19 clusters at high spatiotemporal resolution, New York City, New York, USA, June-July 2020. Emerg Infect Dis. 27(5):1500-4, 2021. [view] Desjardins MR, Hohl A, Delmelle EM. Rapid surveillance of COVID-19 in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic: Detecting and evaluating emerging clusters. Applied Geography, 102202, 2020. [view] Kim S, Castro MC. Spatiotemporal pattern of COVID-19 and government response in South Korea (as of May 31, 2020). International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 98:328-33, 2020. [view] Amin R, Hall T, Church J, Schlierf D, Kulldorff M. Geographical surveillance of COVID-19: Diagnosed cases and death in the United States. medRxiv, 2020. [view] Masrur A, Yu M, Luo W, Dewan A. Space-time patterns, change, and propagation of COVID-19 risk relative to the intervention scenarios in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:5911, 2020. [view] Leal-Neto OB, Santos FA, Lee JY, Albuquerque JO, Souza WV. Prioritizing COVID-19 tests based on participatory surveillance and spatial scanning. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 143:104263, 2020. [view] Benita F, Gasca-Sanchez F. On the main factors influencing COVID-19 spread and deaths in Mexico: A comparison between Phase I and II. medRxiv, 2020. [view] Ballesteros P, Salazar E, Sánchez D, Bolanos C. Spatial and spatiotemporal clustering of the COVID19 pandemic in Ecuador. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina. 69, 2020. [view] Hohl A, Delmelle EM, Desjardins MR, Lan Y. Daily surveillance of COVID-19 using the prospective space-time scan statistic in the United States. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 34:100354, 2020. [view] Andersen LM, Harden SR, Sugg MM, Runkle JD, Lundquist TE. Analyzing the spatial determinants of local Covid-19 transmission in the United States. Science of the Total Environment. 754:142396, 2020. [view] Cordes J, Castro MC. Spatial analysis of COVID-19 clusters and contextual factors in New York City. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 34:100355, 2020. [view] Acharya BK, Khanal L, Mahyoub AS, Ruan Z, Yang Y, Adhikari SK, Pandit S, Neupane BK, Paudel BK, Lin H. Execution of intervention matters more than strategy: A lesson from the spatiotemporal assessment of COVID-19 clusters in Nepal. medRxiv, 2020. [view] Martines MR, Ferreira RV, Toppa RH, Assuncao L, Desjardins MR, Delmelle EM. Detecting space-time clusters of COVID-19 in Brazil: mortality, inequality, socioeconomic vulnerability, and the relative risk of the disease in Brazilian municipalities. MedRxiv, 2020. [view] Chow TE, Choi Y, Yang M, Mills D, Yue R. Geographic pattern of human mobility and COVID-19 before and after Hubei lockdown. Annals of GIS, 2020. [view] Alkhamis MA, Al Youha S, Khajah MM, Haider NB, Alhardan S, Nabeel A, Al Mazeedi S, Al-Sabah SK. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Kuwait. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 98:153-60, 2020. [view] Azmach NN, Tesfahannes TG, Abdulsemed SA, Hamza TA. Prospective Time Periodic Geographical Covid-19 Surveillance in Ethiopia Using a Space-time Scan Statistics: Detecting and Evaluating Emerging Clusters. Research Square; 2020. [view] Prendecki M, Clarke C, Cairns T, Cook T, Roufosse C, Thomas D, Willicombe M, Pusey CD, McAdoo SP. Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kidney International, 2020. [view] Gomes DS, Andrade LA, Ribeiro CJ, Peixoto MV, Lima SV, Duque AM, Cirilo TM, Góes MA, Lima AG, Santos MB, Araú jo KC. Risk clusters of COVID-19 transmission in northeastern Brazil: prospective space-time modelling. Epidemiology & Infection, 148, 2020. [view] Qi C, Zhu YC, Li CY, Hu YC, Liu LL, Zhang DD, Wang X, She KL, Jia Y, Liu TX, Li XJ. Epidemiological characteristics and spatial-temporal analysis of COVID-19 in Shandong Province, China. Epidemiology & Infection, 148, 2020. [view] Moreira RD. COVID-19: intensive care units, mechanical ventilators, and latent mortality profiles associated with case-fatality in Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 36:e00080020, 2020. [view] Tchole AI, Li ZW, Wei JT, Ye RZ, Wang WJ, Du WY, Wang HT, Yin CN, Ji XK, Xue FZ, Bachir AM. Epidemic and control of COVID-19 in Niger: quantitative analyses in a least developed country. Journal of Global Health, 10, 2020. [view] Andrade LA, Gomes DS, Lima SV, Duque AM, Melo MS, Góes MA, Ribeiro CJ, Peixoto MV, Souza CD, Santos AD. COVID-19 Mortality in an area of northeast Brazil: epidemiological characteristics and prospective spatiotemporal modeling. Epidemiology & Infection, 148,e288,1-7, 2020. [view] Bonnet E, Le Marcis F, Faye A, Sambieni E, Fournet F, Boyer F, Coulibaly A, Kadio K, Diongue FB, Ridde V. The COVID-19 Pandemic in Francophone West Africa: From the First Cases to Responses in Seven Countries. Research Square, 2020. [view] Durán Morera N, Botello Ramírez E. Detección de conglomerados «activos» emergentes de altas tasas de incidencia, para la vigilancia rápida de la COVID-19. Medicentro Electrónica, 24:642-655, 2020. [view] Leveau CM. Variaciones espacio-temporales de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en barrios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Scielo Preprints, 2020. [view] Badaloni C, Asta F, Michelozzi P, Mataloni F, Di Rosa E, Scognamiglio P, Vairo F, Davoli M, Leone M. Spatial analysis for detecting clusters of cases during the COVID-19 emergency in Rome and in the Lazio Region. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione, 44:144-151, 2020. [view] Paul S, Bhattacharya S, Mandal B, Haldar S, Mandal S, Kundu S, Biswas A. Dynamics and risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in urban areas: a geographical assessment on Kolkata Municipal Corporation, India. Spatial Information Research, 2020. [view] Airborne Infectious Diseases: OtherBakker MI, Hatta M, Kwenang A, Faber WR, van Beers SM, Klatser PR, Oskam L. Population survey to determine risk factors for Mycobacterium leprae transmission and infection. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33: 1329-1336, 2004. Andrade AL, Silva SA, Martelli CM, Oliveira RM, Morais Neto OL, Siqueira Junior JB, Melo LK, Di Fabio JL. Population-based surveillance of pediatric pneumonia: use of spatial analysis in an urban area of Central Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 20: 411-421, 2004. [view] Moore GE, Ward MP, Kulldorff M, Caldanaro RJ, Guptill LF, Lewis HB, Glickman LT. 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